HB People - Recruitment & HR
HB People - Recruitment & HR
HB People
The 'A' Team
Amanda Hesketh
FCIPD, Founder, HR & Recruitment specialist, Neurodiversity Advocate and wife/mum of 2 with a love for the great outdoors and travelling.
Adam Littler
Managing Consultant
Adam has worked in recruitment previously, both in-house and in consultancy. When Adam is not at work, he enjoys gaming and spending time with friends and family. Adam has just moved into his first property. He loves helping people into the right role. (6) Adam Littler | LinkedIn
Rhian Kenny
Resourcing Consultant
Enjoys socialising, water sports, the Lake District, and enjoys roller coasters. Rhian loves dogs and looks after the office two.
Chay Jones
Chay joined us in June 24 and focuses on supporting our teams with outstanding candidates; he is not new to the recruitment industry.
A love for metal straws, his dog, and being an athlete playing football. Chay Jones | LinkedIn
Archie & Frankie
Wellbeing Champions
Archie & Frankie are Italian Greyhounds who joined our office in April 2022. They both love cuddles, food(lots!), sticks, daytime snoozes and falling asleep on someone's knee. Sorry we're not on Linkedin but we are on Frankie and Archie (@adventuresoffrankandarchie) • Instagram photos and videos
Working in collaboration with others to offer well-being, research, support and guidance.
Diane Williamson
Executive Coach
Loves walking, hospitality and developing people through their careers.
Amy Kenyon
Wellness Expert
Body, Mind & Soul Coach, Queen of wellbeing.
Amy Kenyon Lifestyle.
Apprenticeships & CIPD
Recommended Business
Potential Realised is the expert partner for Apprenticeships.
(1) Lynn Manir-Jolley,Managing Director, Potential Realised | LinkedIn
Thomas Online Testing
Recommended Business
PPA Disc profiling, EI Emotional Intelligence & HPTI.
Helping companies make smarter recruitment and development decisions and predict which candidates are most likely to be successful in a role. Email amanda@hbpeople.co.uk for more information and client rates.
Pay, Benefit & Reward Audits
Recommended Business
We use Croner to validate external data, however, we also coordinate manual searches of market rates from candidates, clients and job boards giving our customers live, real-time market view. Total pay and reward review include searches on advertised roles/salaries and an all-inclusive review of salaries and benefits.
Disability Confident Employer
Join us in becoming a Disability Confident employer. This provides employers with the knowledge, skills and confidence they need to attract, recruit, retain and develop disabled people in the workplace.
WorkSmarter HR system and Employment support
Contact us to find out more about WorkSmarter a great system for businesses who want to have the system, support and resources in one place. Email amanda@hbpeople.co.uk for more information and client rates
Privacy Policy
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01704 891171
© 2021 Hesketh Barlow Recruitment & Coaching Ltd T/A HB People